How to stay healthy while working at the computer every day

  • Don’t forget to blink.
  • Drink water.
  • Posture and Ergonomics.
  • Clean Air.
  • Get up and walk around.
  • Do exercises for the eyes.

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How is low ferritin manifested?

Ferritin is our iron “depot”. The simplest and most commonplace – it is difficult to get up in the morning, weakness, lethargy, hair loss, pale skin, bruises under the eyes. Also, low hemoglobin and an insufficient number of red blood cells speak of anemia.

There is also a high risk of anemia in pregnant women – iron stores at this time are severely depleted. But this is “oxygen” for the fetus. Therefore, it is especially important for women in position to monitor ferritin. If you are just getting ready to become a mom, then start increasing the level in 4-6 months.

How to get tested for ferritin? Analysis cost

To find out your current indicator, you need to donate blood from a vein. This can be done in any private laboratory – Gemotest, Invitro, etc. I did this in Invitro, together with the blood sampling, the analysis cost 870 rubles (2019). I’m not sure if you can get a referral for this test for free, but try to check with your therapist.

Standard preparation is required before analysis:

Don't eat for about 8-12 hours, i.e. blood is donated strictly on an empty stomach
No smoking in an hour
If possible, cancel all vitamins and supplements a few days before analysis
Don't drink coffee

Daily approach for women

You will see the reference value in a specific laboratory where you will take the analysis. For example, in mine, 15-100 is the norm for women. Why is there such a big difference? It all depends on age and weight. At the same time, doctors used to consider the lower limit as the norm, but according to modern research, you need to strive to ensure that the value is at least at the mark of your current weight, or even +10 to it. This will allow you to maintain your iron depot and feel great.
How to raise ferritin without a dropper?

Be prepared for the treatment to take time – about 4-6 months, depending on the starting point, the drugs used and the diet. Droppers are more effective, but you need to put in about 15-20 times until a lasting result. This option does not suit me – I do not want to spend so much time on these procedures, and the droppers themselves are an unpleasant thing, so I chose the option in capsules.
